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Introduction to Scene Setup

Welcome to CIVIL-AI-SYSTEM! Below you will find a checklist for setting up the system within a blank scene along with common debugging help. This can also be found within the editor with real time updating checklist via the top bar (CIVIL-AI-SYSTEM -> Help -> Getting Started)

This section will highlight the bare minimum assets required in the scene to get CIVIL-AI-SYSTEM working.



These are used to provide the system with context on what a place within your scene is. There are two main types; houses and workplaces. These will both have attributes which the system uses to populate your scene as well as drive agent behaviours. These can be setup by adding a 'Building Service' to a Unity GameObject and setting it's type.

Population Region

Forms a physical space within your scene which will be populated by the system. They are made up of one or more regions (a space within your world). Each Population region can have their own attributes ranging from character pools they use to how spawning is handled. These can be created within the Action Menu (CIVIL-AI-SYSTEM -> Info and Actions)

Module Service

Used to manage the full CIVIL-AI-SYSTEM within your scene, holds references, settings and host of other features. Can be added to any Unity GameObject as a component.

Running into Issues?

Agents aren't moving?

The most likely cause for this is not creating a nav mesh map within unity. If you are unsure on how to do this, this link should provide some information on how to do it.

Common Issues

Running into issues, take a look at this page.