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Actions Definitions

Actions within the tool are a set of functions which are defined to create building blocks for more complex behaviours. This means that each action works in a predefined way which properties used to alter the input. Below is a explanation of each action and how they work.



The agent will stay in the current location.

Pick Up

Used to equip a specific item. If the agent already have one on their self they will get it out, else they will look in very close proximity. Best practice to use Locate first for most cases.

Drop Off

An agent will drop a specific item if they have it.


The agent will attempt to mount a specific item. If the item has free space then the agent will mount either by getting as close to the item they can or from the seat mounting spot.


If the agent is mounted then it will dismount either teleporting to the dismount spot or if not present the mounting spot. If none are present it will just disconnect from the mount.


Used to make the agent move to the location of the closest item within the scene which fulfils the filters applied. If the agent already have the item they will succeed.

Locate Random

The agent will move to the location of the closest item within the scene which fulfils the filters applied. If the agent already have the item they will succeed.

Follow Route / (Reverse)

The agent will get and complete the route that a workplace has setup. If reverse will do the route from end to start.

Locate in Zone 1/2

The agent will go to the location of the item closest to them within the workplace zone.

Random Location within Zone 1/2

The agent will move to a valid spot within a zone of their workplace.

Await For Mount to be Filled

The agent will not try to do another action till the mount is filled.

Location Entrance

The agent will head to the entrance of a building which relates to them. If ownership is 'house' it will be their home, if it is 'work' then it will be their place of work.