This is used to denote a relationship between an agent and a mount within a scene. If this is present any movement will be applied to the mount object and not to the agent.
Type |
IMountInteractionService |
Name | Type |
seatService | ISeatService |
controller | IMoveApplicator |
previousParent | Transform |
Public Methods
Name | Parameters | Return Type | Description |
MountInteractionService | IAgentService agent, ISeatService seatService, IMoveApplicator controller | MountInteractionService | A constructor for MountInteractionService. |
MoveTo | Vector3 position | void | Used to apply movement to the mount. |
GetRemainingDistance | N/A | float | Used to find out how far the mount is from the goal. If no goal will return 0. |
GetSeatService | N/A | ISeatService | Returns the seatService. |
GetPreviousParentOfAgent | N/A | Transform | Used on dismount to set the mount parent back. |