Setup | IBuildingData data, GameObject obj = null | void | Used by the UI to setup the service. |
GetSuiteService | N/A | ISuiteService | Returns the suite. |
GetAgentPositionService | N/A | IAgentPositionService | Returns the agentPosition. |
GetAgentRelationship | IAgentService agent | IBuildingRelationship | Returns the relationship the agent has to the building if any. |
GetZoneService | N/A | IZoneService | Returns the zone service from data. |
GetEntrance | N/A | Vector3 | Returns the building entrance. |
GetCurrentType | N/A | BUILDING_TYPE? | Returns what type of building it is. |
GetItems | ITEMS name = ITEMS.NULL, ITEMS_TYPE type = ITEMS_TYPE.NULL, ITEMS_SIZE size = ITEMS_SIZE.NULL | List<Item> | Returns the items owned by the building filtered by parameters. |
RemoveItem | Item item | boolean | Removes the item from the building ownership if present. |
AddItem | Item item | boolean | Adds the item to the building ownership. |
SetItems | List<Item> items | void | Adds a list of items to the building ownership. |
GetRoute | integer id | void | Returns the data route assigned to the id. |
ResetBuilding | N/A | boolean | Resets all data for the building. |
IsEnabled | N/A | boolean | Returns if enabled. |
SetEnabled | boolean value | void | Sets if the building is enabled. |