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Welcome to CIVIL-AI-SYSTEM! Below you will find how to use this resource to help you get the most out of the tool. If you want to dive right in you can check out the Getting Started Guide.

The services are a type of object which is used to interact with the data of an object. More details can be found ...

How to use this section

These pages are designed to give an overview of services within the tool. They may not cover all services but will cover the most important ones for core features of the tool.


Before diving into the services it is recommanded to read about the architecture to have an understanding of what a service is. It is also recommanded to at least read 'The Basics' within the guides.


Each service will have a short description to describe what it's purpose is. The interface system it uses, what it inherits from if applicable. It will also list the properties with the name and type they are. Finally it will provide a list of all public methods. These public methods will have reference in the description to any properties they return.